Registration and abstract submission is NOW OPEN!

Registration: U.S. – 30 June 2022 | Europe – 11 July 2022 | Online – 11 July 2022
Abstracts: 17 June 2022
(NOTE: please contact the organizers if you will have trouble meeting this deadline and need additional time)
U.S. Lodging: 30 June 2022 (via registration form)


Registration: Complete the registration form here.


Deadline is 30 June 2022 for U.S. attendees and 11 July 2022 for European and online attendees.  For U.S. in-person attendees, the registration form includes lodging reservation requests for the contracted hotel in Boulder, CO.  Lodging reservations at other hotels, or for European attendees, can be made by individual travelers.


Abstracts: Complete the submission form here.

Oral presentations are offered to early-career researchers (up to 5 years post-PhD) and students only. The ongoing pandemic has severely restricted opportunities for oral presentations for young researchers, some of whom may have never yet attended and presented at a professional conference. Because of this, and the limited time available in the workshop, we are prioritizing oral presentations for our early-career colleagues only.

Poster presentations may be requested by any participant. Because of the hybrid nature of the conference, posters must be provided as PDF files for inclusion on the workshop website. Posters may also be printed and displayed in person — format is TBD.

Please contact the organizers if you will have trouble meeting the submission deadline and need to request additional time.